Under the reformed Railway Act that was issued on Saturday, people can be fined up to Rs 500 on railway premises or inside trains for not wearing masks. This has come as a measure taken to curb the spread of coronavirus after the surge in COVID-19 cases in the country. The protocols to restrict the spread of the virus were issued by the Ministry of Health and Family Affairs.
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The order issued by the Railways said, “One of the specific guideline is to wear masks in order to contain the spread of the coronavirus. The Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for movement of trains as brought out by Indian Railways on May 11, 2020, says that it should be advised to all passengers that they shall be wearing face cover/ mask at entry and during travel”.
Indian Railways Rules, 2012, has now been updated with the inclusion of compulsory use of masks and the fine in the list. It also includes the provision of fines for those found spitting on the premises, as reported by NDTV. “In view of the COVID-19 situation, controlling spitting and act of similar nature due to any person not wearing mask and entering railway premises (including trains), is important to avoid creation of unclean and unhygienic conditions which may cause danger to life and public health”, the order further said.
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“Accordingly, to prevent spitting and act of similar nature and thus, to ensure wearing of face masks or face cover by all persons at railway premises (including trains), fines (up to 500) under Indian Railways (Penalties for activities affecting cleanliness at Railway Premises) Rules, 2012, shall be imposed by railway officials…,” it said, as reported by NDTV.