Actor Kangana Ranaut on Saturday said she tested positive for COVID-19. After her Twitter account was suspended earlier this week, the ‘Jhansi ki Rani’ actor took to Instagram to announce her diagnosis.

She said, “I was feeling tired and weak with slight burning sensation in my eyes for past few days, was hoping to go to Himachal so got my test done yesterday and today the result came I am covid positive.”

She continued, “I have quarantined myself, I had no idea this virus is having a party in my body, now that I know I will demolish it, people please don’t give anything any power over you, if you are scared it will scare you more, come let’s destroy this Covid -19 it is nothing but a small time flu which got too much press and now psyching few people. Har Har Mahadev.”

Also Read | ‘Bole Chudiya, Bole Kangana? not anymore’: Netizens celebrate Twitter ban of Kangana

Also Read | Rural India in trouble as cases, deaths quadruple in 2nd COVID wave: Report

India on Friday record deaths from COVID-19 at 4,187, taking the overall toll to 238,270 since the pandemic started. A total of 401,078 new cases were logged in the past 24 hours, taking the tally of coronavirus infections to nearly 21.9 million — second only to the United States.