As COVID-19 cases continued to rise in Maharashtra, the Mumbai police took to Twitter, warning residents against flouting the pandemic protocol. In a series of witty tweets, the city police wrote that the consequences of not following norms may not be ‘all that fine.’
“Dear Mumbaikars, Please follow all safety rules. Else, we will have to follow you around and that may not be all that ‘fine’,” the Mumbai Police tweet read. In another tweet, a spin off on a popular Hindi song, the police warns that if anyone starts from home without a mask, they will not go too far as the Mumbai police would be waiting for them.
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Maharashtra is one of the worst COVID-19-hit states in India. In the past 24 hours, it accounted for nearly half of the 16,738 cases reported in India. Its overall number of cases now stands at 2,121,119. Concerned over the rising numbers and reports of virus mutation, the government on Monday announced several restrictions and weekend lockdown in districts like Amravati.
Mumbai police have often used witty tweets to highlight law and order issues. A few years back, sharing a playlist of songs titled, ‘Where will you go, Running and Behind you’, Mumbai Police tweeted, “Our directive to the criminals? Be ready to face the music!”
In one of its anti-drug campaigns, the force wrote, “Drugs create only super zeroes, not heroes.” The caption was accompanied by a photo of the comic character Superman.