Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal-led Aam Aadmi Party has admitted that it put up the posters critical of Prime Minister Narendra Modi‘s handling of the COVID crisis. This comes a day after the Delhi Police arrested at least 25 people and said that they were probing the role of Kalyanpuri AAP councilor Dhirendra Kumar in the matter.
Addressing a press conference on Sunday, AAP leader Durgesh Pathak said that instead of harassing poor people who put up the posters, police should arrest his party leaders and MLAs if they want. “These posters have been put up by AAP, they have been put up by me,” Pathak said, adding that the posters will be put up not just in Delhi but across the country.
The AAP leader continued, “Today when people are asking why crores of vaccines were exported to Pakistan, Bangladesh, Iran and Iraq, Modiji’s Delhi police is filing FIRs and putting our workers in jail.”
The Delhi Police directly reports to the Union Home Ministry.
Delhi Deputy Chief Minister Manish Sisodia also tweeted regarding the issue and wrote, “A government that was boasting about posters put up in foreign countries is now scared of posters put up in their land.”
The posters, which are now receiving the support of opposition leaders, including Congress’ Rahul Gandhi, have also caused a stir on social media.
“Modi ji, why did you send vaccines meant for our children, abroad?” the poster reads, criticising the prime minister for exporting the COVID-19 vaccines that could have given some relief amid the second wave of pandemic in India.
The Delhi Police has filed cases under the Defacement of Public Property Act and Section 188. Most of those who have been arrested are daily wage workers or rickshaw drivers.