Delhi Environment Minister Gopal Rai on Tuesday said that the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) government is not considering to impose another lockdown in the city and is open to alternative options. Amid a spike in COVID-19 cases, the Delhi government on Tuesday announced that it will impose a night curfew in the city from 10 PM to 5 AM till April 30.
Rai added that the Indian government should cease the export of COVID-19 vaccine and open up inoculation for every citizen, PTI reported. He said that the government is mulling over other ideas and night curfew will help in containing the cases, speaking during a press conference.
Also Read | Night curfew from 10pm to 5am: What changes for Delhi people
In his statement, the minister said that the curb could be checked through other alternatives and lockdown is not being considered as of now. He emphasised on opening vaccination camp for all the ages to contain the situation.
He added that, “it is unfortunate that the Centre has set criteria to vaccinate our own people, while it is exporting vaccine to other countries.”
Delhi registered a total of more than 3,500 fresh cases of COVID-19 on Monday and 15 people lost their lives due to it. In a recent tally, the city noted over 14,000 active cases, according to Delhi Health department.
Also Read: What prompted Arvind Kejriwal to take the night curfew decision
Delhi reported a growth in the positivity rate to 5.54% amid rise in COVID cases since the past month. The decision on night curfew has been taken in view of rising COVID-19 cases in Delhi, an official said.