Adar Poonawalla, chief executive of Serum Institute of India (SII), on Thursday lauded the recommendation made by a central government panel to increase the gap between the first and second doses of the Covishield vaccine. The delay was suggested by the National Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation.
“This is beneficial both from the efficacy and
the immunogenicity standpoint. This is a very good move because this is based
on data that the government received on the basis of which they made a good
scientific decision to increase the gap,” Adar Poonawalla told NDTV.
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This decision would not only help people get the
first jab but also take pressure off Covishield. During the initial stages of
vaccination, the recommended interval was 4 to 6 weeks, which increased to 6 to
8 weeks.
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WHO’s chief scientist Soumya Swaminathan found the delay in vaccine doses improved its effectiveness. There are no changes
suggested for the Covaxin vaccines yet.