In a dramatic footage from Shimla, Himachal Pradesh, a car skids off an elevated road and crashes into a parking lot below. After a monkey ran in front of the vehicle, the driver lost control in a bid to save the monkey’s life.
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The car can be seen breaking the railing on the side of the road and tumbling into the parking lot of Hotel Himland in Himachal Pradesh’s capital city in the CCTV footage.
Two bystanders who were present at the time of the incident can be seen rushing to help the occupants. The next few frames show the car being surrounded by people who are attempting to free those trapped inside.
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The car’s occupants, a family of three with a four-year-old, are all safe. The car was on its way from Delhi to Rampur.
Monkeys can be seen wandering the streets of Shimla, stealing food from unsuspecting tourists. The threat of monkeys is one of the major concerns that has prompted the state government to take various measures to control the simian population.
In other news, despite spending crores of rupees on sanitation, this popular tourist destination and the capital of Himachal Pradesh has fallen 37 ranks in the latest Swachh Survekshan (cleanliness survey) to from 65 to 102.
The city spent Rs 1.5 crore on two mechanical sweeping vehicles alone, and another Rs 50 lakh on collecting citizen responses. The survey received 4,320 responses this year, compared to 4,242 last year. The drop in ranking is attributed to a lack of citizen input and feedback, as well as an inefficient waste management system.
The state’s overall rating rose one place to fifth place from sixth. In the category of states with fewer than 100 urban local bodies, Himachal Pradesh received 1,050 points. Suresh Bhardwaj, the state’s urban development minister, congratulated the people on their achievement, saying, “Many cities have performed better than last year. Modern technology and innovations will help us improve the performance.”