The Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) on Tuesday condemned the violence that took place during the farmers’ tractor rally. “It is regrettable that the Central Government allowed the situation to deteriorate to such an extent,” tweeted Raghav Chadha, spokesperson of the AAP.
Also read: Farmers Protest Day 62 Live: Punjab CM urges ‘genuine farmers’ to vacate Delhi, return to borders
“The movement has been peaceful for the last two months,” he added.
Violence erupted at a number of places during Tuesday’s tractor rally. At Delhi’s ITO area, protesters clashed with the police, which resulted in injuries.
“Farmer leaders have said that those who indulged in today’s violence were not part of the movement but were external elements,” the AAP spokesperson said in another tweet.
“Whosoever they may be, the violence has certainly weakened the movement which was going on peacefully and in a disciplined manner,” he added.
In a major escalation, protesters who had reached the Red Fort entered its ramparts and hoisted their flags. A farmer died at ITO after his tractor overturned.
Also read: From Delhi’s border to Red Fort: What we know so far about farmers’ tractor rally
Farmers were protesting since November 26 at Delhi’s border areas against three farms laws that were enacted in September, during the Monsoon Session of Parliament.