Rajya Sabha Deputy Chairman Harivansh Narayan Singh on Tuesday said that he will observe a one-day fast over the behaviour of Opposition MPs with him during the passing of the two Farm Bills. 

Singh announced the fast in a letter to the Rajya Sabha Chairman M Venkaiah Naidu shortly after he met the eight protesting members on Tuesday and offered them tea.  

“After what happened on September 20, I am pained, distressed and in a state of mental agony. I could not sleep the whole night,” Singh wrote in his letter addressed to Naidu as well as President Ram Nath Kovind.

Singh, who was recently appointed as Rajya Sabha’s Deputy Chairman, for the second time, said that Sunday’s events had destroyed the image of the House.

On Sunday, Opposition MPs who were upset with the two Farm Bills being passed by voice vote, rushed to the well of Rajya Sabha to protest. The MPs, including Trinamool Congress’ Derek O’Brien threw the House rule book at Singh, who was chairing the proceedings.

In his two page letter, the 64-year-old said that he’ll fast till Wednesday.

Rajya Sabha Chairman M Venkaiah Naidu on Tuesday condemned the act.

The Opposition MPs, including those of Congress and Samajwadi Party, staged a walk-out from Rajya Sabha, demanding the revocation of suspension of the eight MPs.

“Till our demands which include revocation of suspension of the eight MPs and Government to bring another bill under which no private player can purchase below MSP are not met, the Opposition will boycott the session,” Congress leader Ghulam Nabi Azad said on Tuesday.