The Delhi police on Tuesday urged the agitating farmers, who conducted tractor parade on the occasion of Republic Day, to maintain peace and not take law in their hands after clashes broke out between the two sides, reported PTI.
The police also asked the protestors to head back to their pre-allotted routes after they reached and installed their flags on the pole at the Red Fort.
Also read: Farmers reach Delhi’s Red Fort, police uses tear gas and lathis
“We request to the protesting farmers to not take law in their hands and maintain peace,” Additional PRO Anil Mittal said.
Police on Tuesday fired tear gas shells and lathi-charged farmers for clashing with the force in various Delhi points, including the ITO after the tractor parade tried to head towards Rajpath and deviated from the approved route.
The Delhi police had given permission to farmers protesting the three farm laws to hold their tractor parade on selected routes only after the official Republic Day parade on the Rajpath concludes.
Also read: Group of protesters come to the rescue of a cop during farmers’ protest. Watch
However, chaos ensued as the farmers were settled for heading towards central Delhi and proceeded with the rally even before the national parade started.
The farmers who began their march from different border points, much before the time permitted to them for their tractor parade, reached ITO in Central Delhi and tried to move towards Lutyen’s zone. The protesters, carrying sticks, clashed with police at the ITO.