Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Thursday announced a weekend curfew in the Capital city and said that passes will be issued only to those rendering essential services. All those involved in delivering food will also be allowed, the Chief Minister said. The restrictions come amid a spike in COVID-19 cases in the national capital.
“People will not be allowed to dine-in restaurants, only home deliveries will be permitted,” Kejriwal said.
Also Read | Delhi weekend curfew: What will remain open, what will not
There will be no in-house dining in restaurants and cinema halls will be allowed to operate with only 30 % capacity, the Chief Minister said at an online press conference a day after the city recorded the biggest single-day jump of 17,282 new COVID-19 cases.
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Kejriwal added that essential services and weddings will not be affected during the weekend curfew and passes will be provided to those attending weddings.
COVID-19 cases, he said, are rising every day in Delhi and restrictions were needed to check the spread of the virus.