Delhi Police alleged on Monday that climate activist Disha Ravi had asked Greta Thunberg to delete her “toolkit” on Twitter,  fearing action under the stringent law Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act (UAPA) as her name was mentioned in the document, reported PTI.

According to police, Thunberg allegedly deleted the tweet following Disha‘s request and later, shared an edited version of the document. They also claimed that the edits were made by 22-year-old Disha.

As per police sources, Disha told Thunberg on WhatsApp, “Okay can you not tweet the toolkit at all. Can we just not say anything at all for a while. I am gonna talk to lawyers. I am sorry but our names are on it and we can literally get UAPA against us.”

Swedish teen climate activist, Thunberg, had shared the “toolkit” to lend her support to the farmers’ protest against the three farm laws.

The document shared by Thunberg mentioned a list of actions to be taken that included creating a “Twitter storm” and protesting outside Indian embassies, were listed which were needed to be taken to support the farmers’ protest.

Deputy Commissioner of Police (Cyber Cell) Anyesh Roy said, “It’s a dynamic document which has a large number of hyperlinks, which are links to various Google drives, Google docs and websites. One of the important website present here is This website has lot of Pro-Khalistani content. So this document in itself has an action plan.”

According to Roy,  in first instance, the document was not to be shared in the public and was private, but it was accidentally shared “So this was a document to be shared to a limited number of people, who would then influence public opinion. Having global icons to follow this, this toolkit was made to propagate pro-Khalistan propaganda,” he added.