A day after violent clashes between farmers and the Delhi Police during farmers’ tractor parade on Republic Day, the Delhi Metro Rail Corporation (DMRC) on Wednesday kept entry and exit gates of Lal Quila metro station (Red Fort) closed. It also kept the entry gates of Jama Masjid closed. Meanwhile, the DMRC resumed services on all other lines.
DMRC tweeted, “Entry gates of Lal Quila metro station are closed. Exit is permitted at this station. All other stations are open. Normal services on all lines.”
Also Read| Here’s what happened at Red Fort during farmers’ Republic Day tractor rally
On Tuesday, Metro services were shut all across central, north and west Delhi after the farmers’ protest in the national capital turned violent.
Clashes broke out between protestors and police personnel at Sanjay Gandhi Transport Nagar and it later spread to other locations during farmers’ Republic Day tractor rally.
The protestors forcefully entered Red Fort, destroyed barricades and vandalised property in their path, violating the pre-designated route. According to a video released by ANI, the crowd stormed the monument and went up the mast on the ramparts of Red fort and hoisted a Nishan Sahib, a religious flag.