Cholesterol, a waxy substance found in our body, helps in creating healthy cells. High cholesterol, on the other hand, should be kept under check because it might cause cardiovascular disease. High cholesterol in the body causes fatty deposits in the arteries, which lead to problems in the heart. A good diet and proper sleep are recommended by health experts to maintain a healthy cholesterol level in the body.
During an interview Yoga expert, Akshar suggested a few Asanas that should be practiced regularly to lower cholesterol levels in the body.
Kapalabhati: Kapalabhati is an excellent Pranayam (breathing exercise) that helps in boosting the body’s metabolic rate and lowering harmful cholesterol. It also helps in the stimulation of the digestive system and abdominal muscles. Kapalabhati should not be practiced by pregnant women during their third trimester.
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Surya Namaskar: To maintain a healthy cholesterol level, perform 11 rounds of Sun Salutation in the morning. Surya Namaskar consists of eight yogic asanas and twenty-four yogic counts. The abdominal muscles are stretched a lot in these eight asanas. Abdominal muscle exercise provides a better-functioning digestive system, which keeps harmful, undesirable cholesterol at bay. Surya Namaskar should not be performed in haste, according to Akshar. The body heats up and the metabolic rate rises after executing a yoga asana. It is advised that you do not take a shower right after Surya Namaskar.
Chakrasana: This pose helps to relieve constipation by massaging the abdominal organs. It also enhances liver function, which helps in the removal of excess fat and cholesterol.
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Shalabhasana: This asana stretches the abdomen and strengthens the back, shoulders, and arms while stimulating the abdominal organs to improve digestion.
Sarvangasana: A yoga pose in which you balance your entire body on your shoulders to help impact the functioning of all of your body’s parts. This asana, often known as the “Queen of Asanas,” is extremely effective in maintaining mental and physical wellness.