A ‘fake’ COVID vaccination drive ongoing in West Bengal’s Kolkata came under the spotlight after actor and Trinamool MP Mimi Chakraborty took a jab at the camp and complained to the police that she received no official confirmation after taking the COVID-19 vaccine shot.
The TMC MP had gone to the vaccination camp, which was organised by now-arrested Debanjan Dev, and encouraged people to vaccinate themselves against the COVID-19 disease, she said. The man, claiming to be an IAS officer, had invited Mimi Chakraborty and told her that the camp was organised by the Kolkata Municipal Corporation.
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The man, who was supervising vaccinations of thousands of people while pretending to be an IAS, was arrested on Wednesday, ndtv.com reported.
The police are now investigating the fake vaccination camp and whether the jabs given at that centre to hundreds of people were past their expiry date. Reports say that nearly 250 people took the jab at the camp in South Kolkata.
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“He said that he was running a special drive for transgenders and specially-abled persons and requested for my presence,” she told news agency ANI.
She said, “I took Covishield vaccine at the camp to motivate people for taking jabs. But I never received a confirmation message from CoWIN,” ANI quoted.
The Kolkata Police said, “We haven’t come across any vial having an expiry date. Seized vials will be sent for testing to find out if they are genuine or not. Accused will be interrogated in this regard,” ANI quoted.