Gold prices on the Multi Commodity Exchange (MCX) increased marginally on Monday, February 14, 2022. Gold futures were trading at Rs 49,491.00 per 10 gm, up 377 points or 0.77%, in the Indian market. Silver futures were trading at Rs 63,681.00 per kg, up 693 points or 1.10%.

In global markets, gold was priced at $1,851.90 per oz. Platinum was trading at $1,035.00 while palladium was trading at $2,368.50. 

In the spot market, the 22-carat gold was sold at Rs 47,750 per 10 grams while silver was priced at Rs 62,157 per kg on Friday according to the Indian Bullion and Jewellers Association.  

In Delhi, Kolkata and Mumbai, 24-carat gold is selling at Rs 51,060. The price for 22 carats is Rs 46,810 in these cities. In Chennai, 24-carat gold is selling at Rs 51,440.

In Chennai, the price of 1 kg of silver is Rs 67,400. In Delhi, Kolkata and Mumbai, the price is Rs 63,000.

Gold has struggled in 2021 after hitting a record high of Rs 56,200 in 2020 as the dollar strengthened in hopes of a swift economic recovery as Covid vaccination picked up the pace.

Global equity markets also retreated today as investors grew increasingly concerned about a growing energy crisis and spiking inflation.

Copper futures were trading at Rs 767.85 down 0.02% while Nickel and Aluminium futures were trading at Rs  1,807.00 and Rs 258.20 per Kg respectively on MCX.