Income Tax officials on Thursday morning arrived at actor Sonu Sood’s residence in Mumbai, after raids at his offices ended late last night. According to reports, the IT officials are investigating Sonu Sood’s property deal with a Lucknow-based real estate company.
NDTV reported that officials searched six locations linked to the actor on Wednesday, including the office of his charity based at his home in Juhu.
Also read: Who is Sonu Sood?
“A recent deal between Sonu Sood’s company and a Lucknow-based real estate firm is under the scanner. The survey has been initiated on allegations of tax evasion on this deal,” sources claimed, calling the operation a “survey”, NDTV reported.
However, the opposition politicians alleged a witch-hunt against the actor, whose philanthropy during the COVID-19 crisis earned him the tag of the “messiah of migrants“.
Also read: Sonu Sood’s premises under Income Tax department’s scanner
Sonu Sood had arranged buses, trains and even flights to take hundreds of migrants, who were stranded and helpless during the lockdown, to their home state. During the second wave earlier this year, he organised oxygen for COVID patients.
Meanwhile, it can be seen that the raids came days after the actor’s buzzy meeting with Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal, who declared him brand ambassador for a “Desh ka Mentors” programme for school students.
Though he has been feted by politicians and parties, Sonu Sood has always said his charity has nothing to do with politics.
The meeting with Arvind Kejriwal has spurred rumours of a political debut, perhaps in next year’s Punjab election as an Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) candidate.
“No politics was discussed. As of now we have not discussed anything political,” Sonu Sood told reporters, addressing a press conference with Arvind Kejriwal.
Also read: IT officials arrive at Sonu Sood’s Mumbai home: The case so far
The BJP’s former ally and Maharashtra’s ruling Shiv Sena came with their own intervention. Party spokesperson Manisha Kayande slammed what she called “selective targeting” and accused the BJP of a “Talibani” ideology.
This comment by Shiv Sena came after the BJP denied that the raids were driven by politics.
“If any central agency takes any action, the entire opposition along with Congress calls it political. Should these agencies stopped working? These operations are transparent,” BJP’s Maharashtra MLA Ram Kadam had said.