India on Sunday recorded 100,636 new cases — its lowest number of cases in the last two months, said the Union Ministry of Family Health and Welfare. India’s tally of COVID-19 cases now stands at 28,909,975.
A total of
2,427 deaths were reported in the last 24 hours by the health ministry. This has pushed the death toll to 349,186, according to the data.
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The Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) said on Monday morning that a total of 366,334,111 samples have been tested for COVID-19 in the country up to June 6, as quoted by the news agency ANI.
The apex medical body said that 1,587,589 samples were tested on Sunday.
The number of active cases in the country has dipped to 1,401,609.
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A total of 174,399 recoveries were recorded in the country on Sunday, bringing the recoveries total to 27,159,180.
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A nationwide COVID-19 vaccination campaign was initiated in the country on January 16. The vaccine were first given to the frontline workers, and as of June 7, 232,786,482 people have obtained at least one vaccine dose.