Actor Kangana Ranaut on Wednesday ‘accused the liberal community of reporting her Twitter account to the platform’s co-founder and CEO Jack Dorsey and getting it restricted’. She further threatened to make their life miserable.
In her tweet, she said, “Librus cried to their chacha @jack and got my account temporarily restricted, they are threatening me mera account/virtual identity kabhi bhi desh keliye shaheed ho sakti hai, magar my reloaded desh bhakt version will reappear through my movies. Tumhara jeena dushwar karke rahungi.”
Also read: ‘They killed Jiah… they tried to kill me’: Kangana Ranaut targets ‘Bollywood mafia’ again
In another tweet, she referred to a trending hashtag, “#SuspendKanganaRanaut” and further warned the consequences of her account getting banned.
She said, “Anti nationals are trending #SuspendKanganaRanaut …. please do, when they suspended Rangs I came and made their lives even more miserable, now if they suspend me will exit virtual world and in real world will show you real Kangana Ranaut- the mother of all fathers #babbarsherni.”