Chhattisgarh Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel on Tuesday posted a video on social media of him being stopped from leaving Lucknow airport and said “I’m not going to Lakhimpur”
Meanwhile, Maharashtra’s Shiv Sena also slammed the Uttar Pradesh government for sealing the district borders and stopping the opposition leaders from visiting Lakhimpur Kheri, where 8 people, including 4 farmers, died on Sunday.
Also read: Lakhimpur Kheri violence: Shiv Sena slams UP govt over detention of leaders
In its mouthpiece – Saamna- the Shiv Sena said, “Yogi-government sealed the borders of Lakhimpur Kheri, arrested Congress leader Priyanka Gandhi Vadra on her way to the site of the incident. MP Hooda was also ill-treated during his visit. Akhilesh Yadav was also put under house arrest.”
On Monday, Congress leader and Wayanad MP Rahul Gandhi had said that the Uttar Pradesh administration is stunned by his sister Priyanka Gandhi Vadra’s courage. This support, from the Congress leader, came after she was stopped from visiting Lakhimpur Kheri in Uttar Pradesh.
Also read: They are stunned by your courage: Rahul Gandhi tells sister Priyanka
“Priyanka, I know you won’t back away – they are stunned by your courage. In this non-violent fight for justice, we will make the country’s Annadata win,” tweeted Rahul Gandhi in Hindi, adding the #NoFear.
The Congress had earlier tweeted a video in which Priyanka Gandhi Vadra was seen in a confrontation with the UP police while being detained on her way to Lakhimpur Kheri. The party said Ms Vadra was being taken to Sitapur Police line and urged people to gather there.