The Delhi High Court on Wednesday ruled that during the COVID-19 pandemic, wearing masks is mandatory while driving alone in a private vehicle, reported PTI. It noted that the mask is like a ‘suraksha kavach’ (protective shield) during the pandemic.
The High Court dismissed pleas challenging the imposition of challan for not wearing a mask while driving alone in a private vehicle.
Also read: COVID-19 still under control, carelessness led to surge: Health Minister Harsh Vardhan
Delhi is witnessing a massive surge in the number of COVID-19 cases with the national capital recording more than 5,000 cases on Tuesday, the highest single-day spike since the pandemic started.
The city on Tuesday recorded 5,100 new coronavirus cases and 17 deaths. With the fresh cases, Delhi’s total COVID tally has topped 6.85 lakh and the death toll has reached 11,113.
To rein in the COVID-19 outbreak, the Delhi government on Tuesday announced a night curfew in the city, that came into effect the same day. The restriction has been imposed till April 30.
Also read: Twitter turns Delhi night curfew into a meme fest
The night curfew remains in place for seven hours, from 10 pm to 5 am. Essential services will remain open and the emergency movement of vehicles will be allowed during this period.