The Bombay High Court on Tuesday adjourned the bail plea of Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan’s Aryan Khan in the Mumbai cruise drugs case. Aryan has been lodged in Mumbai’s Arthur Road jail since October 8 after his bail plea was rejected twice by by a Mumbai magistrate court and a special NDPS court. On Tuesday, Aryan’s lawyers argued that the Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB) doesn’t have evidence to keep him in custody and the alleged recovery of six grams of charas from his friend Arbaaz Merchant cannot be termed “conscious possession.”
Aryan Khan’s bail plea before Bombay High Court: All you need to know
“It (the drugs) was not in my control… what was found in Arbaaz Merchant’s shoe. Arbaaz is not my servant, he is not in my control, so there is no conspiracy. Max you may link me with Arbaaz and accused no. 17 (Aachit Kumar) only after recovery. But I am not linked with anyone else. Conspiracy is when all have met and have a meeting of minds,” Aryan submitted in the court through his lawyers.
Aryan’s lawyers said the purported WhatsApp chats that have been cited to prove Aryan involvement in procurement of illegal drugs pertained to 2018 and had nothing to do with the ongoing case. “To use general phrase like ‘conspiracy’ is not right. The chats do not pertain to the cruise or conspiracy. This is in the past and is just supposed to show conspiracy,” they said, according to NDTV.
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The lawyers further argued that Aryan and other accused were young boys who can be sent to rehab. “I am not, in any case, concerned with Section 27A. There is no evidence. I have not financed trafficking,”Aryan’s lawyers submitted on his behalf.”
Aryan’s only connection with accused No. 17 (Aachit Kumar) was communication exchanged during an online poker game, they said.
Aryan Khan bail hearing: Courtroom cleared for COVID protocols
“Beyond this communication there is nothing. Aryan Khan was asked about the chats and he said he knew due to the online game. Nowadays there is a lot of online gaming. We have online poker, online cricket…”
Aryan also pleaded that he had nothing to do with the payoff allegations involving NCB’s Mumbai Zonal Director Sameer Wankhede.