“Ami joldhorao noi, bele borao noi… ami ekta cobra, ek chobol-ei chobi (Don’t mistake me for a harmless snake, I am a cobra, can kill people in one bite),” said actor Mithun Chakraborty, on Sunday, after joining the BJP in the presence of Prime Minister Narendra Modi in Kolkata. Amid huge cheers from the supporters present at the rally, the actor-turned-politician repeated the dialogue of his movie, saying, “Now, remember the new slogan — Ek chhobole chhobi.”

Also Read | Left, Centre, Right and films: Mithun Chakraborty’s life journey

Mithun, 70, was speaking at the Mega Kolkata rally of the PM. 

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“I always wanted to do something big in life, but had never dreamt of being a part of such a huge rally which is to be addressed by world’s most popular leader Narendra Modi. I wished to work for the poorer sections of our society, and that wish will now be fulfilled,” the former actor said.

The ‘Disco Dancer’ actor joined the BJP ahead of PM Modi’s Sunday rally. 

PM Modi, who arrived in Kolkata on Sunday, in the rally hit out at the ruling TMC and West Bengal Chief Minister, and said,  “The people of Bengal had chosen you (the CM) as ‘Didi’ but why did you remain the aunt of a nephew? The people of Bengal are asking only this one question from you.”

“She (CM Mamata Banerjee) speaks someone else’s language now and is being controlled by them,” PM Modi said.