For the eighth straight day, the prices of petrol and diesel have continued to rise as the rate of petrol in the national capital of Delhi is now Rs 89.29 per litre, up by 30 paise, crossing Rs 89-mark for the first time. The rate of diesel in Delhi is now Rs 79.79 a litre, an increase of 35 paise. The petrol price has gone up by Rs 2.36 per litre in Delhi in the last week, while the rate of diesel has increased by Rs 2.91 a litre.
In Mumbai, the price of petrol increased by 29 paise in a day, and is now at Rs 95.75 a litre. Meanwhile, the price of diesel in the city now stands at Rs 86.72, after an increase of 38 paise from Monday
The price of petrol in Kolkata is now Rs 90.54 a litre, up by 29 paise while the rate of diesel is Rs 83.29 a litre, an increase of 35 paise than Monday’s price.
Meanwhile, in Chennai, the price of petrol went up by 26 paise and is now at Rs 91.45 a litre. The price of diesel increased by 33 paise than Monday’s price, it is now at Rs 84.77 a litre.
The rate of petrol and diesel differ in each state due to different local taxes and VAT imposed in different states.