President Ram Nath Kovind, Vice President M Venkaiah Naidu and Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Saturday paid tributes to saint-poet Ravidas on his birth anniversary. Ravidas was the founder of the Ravidassia religion during the 15th to 16th century CE. His birth anniversary is also known as Ravidas Jayanti, which is celebrated on the full moon day of Magh month, as per the Hindu calendar.
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“Greetings to all citizens on the auspicious occasion of Shri Guru Ravidas Jayanti. Guru Ravidas Ji emphasised the values of social equality, unity, morality and hard work. Let us continue to unite to build a society and a country based on equality, unity and justice by following their teachings,” the official account of the president tweeted in Hindi.
“My humble tributes to great poet-saint Guru Ravidas Ji on his Jayanti today. Ravidas Ji believed in universal brotherhood and spread the message of unity through his writings & teachings. As we remember him, let us emulate his teachings & resolve to follow the path shown by him,” Naidu said on Twitter.
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Prime Minister Modi said the teachings of saint Ravidas centuries ago on equality, goodwill and compassion will inspire the people of India for ages.
“My humble tributes to him (Saint Ravidas) on his birth anniversary),” the prime minister tweeted.
The prime minister also greeted people on the occasion of ‘Magh Purnima’.