Industrial disasters such as gas and chemical leaks can happen anytime, anywhere and can have severe consequences on human health and the environment.

During any chemical or gas leakage from plants and factories, it is very important to take precautions to minimize the harmful effect of the toxic substance.

Here are useful safety measures and precautions one needs to take during such an emergency:

Here’s what to do

* Keep a wet handkerchief or piece of cloth/ sari on face during evacuation.

* Keep the sick, elderly, weak, handicapped and other people who are unable to evacuate inside the house and close all the doors and windows tightly.

* If you have come in contact with the gas, try to reach a safe spot and take deep breaths.

*Change into fresh clothing after reaching safe place/ shelter, and wish hands properly.

* Inform Fire & Emergency Services, Police and medical services from safe location by calling 101, 100 and 108 respectively.

* Listen to public address system announcements, local radio and TV channels for advice from district administration/fire/health/police and other concerned authorities.

*Provide correct and accurate information to government official.

Here’s what not to do:

* Do not panic, evacuate calmly. Do not shout as it may cause breathing stress.

* Do not consume the uncovered food/ water etc open to the air, drink only from bottle.

* Don’t pay attention to the rumours and don’t spread rumours.

* Do not run here and there and tire yourself. This makes the situation worse and harms the body.
