A woman from Kerala’s Wayanad district fell into a well on Tuesday, which was followed by a rescue operation that involved local residents and fire department officials. She was eventually pulled out with the help of ropes and other equipment from the 50-feet-deep well.

In the video shared by ANI on Twitter, a fire department personnel can be seen pulling the woman out as she is safe and secure inside a net. The moment she is at the top, she can be seen holding on to the net for support. Soon after she lands on the ground as the personnel extend the hand to help.

The woman is assumed to be in a state of shock as she falls onto the ground. The local resident gave her a hand and got her back on her feet. The Tweet read, “Along with the clip, the tweet attached said, “Kerala: Fire Department officials and locals rescued a woman after she fell into a 50-feet deep well in Wayanad (10.08).”

As the video went viral, many praised the quick action taken by the rescue team. The video has garnered over 78,000 views within hours of going public.

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Officials and trained personnel are required to supervise any kind of Rescue operation. A huge responsibility is shouldered by the team as without proper guidance, there are chances of the operation going wrong and ending up in a tragedy.

Only recently in July, another such case was reported in Madhya Pradesh’s VdiAn incident of this nature was reported in Madhya Pradesh’s Vidisha district as 30 villagers fell into a well during a rescue operation. While 11 died in the fall, 19 sustained injuries.

The villagers reportedly fell while trying to save a boy who had fallen in the well earlier. The parapet wall around the well had been ravaged and eventually collapsed due to the weight of so many villagers on it, taking them down with it.