Democratic vice presidential nominee Kamala Harris went viral, not for her vice-presidential campaign, but for her shoes. On Monday, the California senator arrived in Milwaukee. Masked, she descended the flight. What caught everyone’s attention was her pair of Chuck Taylor All-Stars.

‘Chuck Taylor’ started trending in the United, with Harris’ sister Maya tweeting that Chuck Taylors are “are in fact her go-to”.

By Tuesday morning, the video clip shared by two journalists of Harris wearing her go-to shoes was viewed about 8 million times. This is more than four times the attention the campaign’s biggest planned video event, a conversation between Joe Biden and Barack Obama had received on both Twitter and YouTube combined.

“Laced up and ready to win”, tweeted Kamala Harris, while sharing the clip.

Chuck Taylors were first launched in 1917 and named All-Stars in 1919. In 1921, it hired basketball player and promoter Chuck Taylor, who urged the Converse shoe company to create a more flexible and supportive shoe for the court. The player’s name was added to the brand in 1934.