Bollywood actor Sunny Leone on Friday reacted to her name appearing in the merit list of a Kolkata College. The actor’s name ‘mischievously’ made it to the top of the merit list for admission to an undergraduate programme of a Kolkata college on Thursday.

The first list for the admission to BA (Honours) in English at Asutosh College posted on its website had the 39-year-old actor’s name at the top. Application ID and roll number accompanied the name on the list.

According to the list, Sunny Leone also secured 400 marks in the best of four subjects in the Class 12 board examinations.

The actor took the news sportingly and told all her fans that she would she them in college next semester. “See you all in college next semester!!! Hope your in my class,” Leone posted on her official Twitter handle.

The college said that the incident was an ‘act of mischief’ and that someone had deliberately submitted a wrong application in Sunny Leone’s name.

“We have asked the admission department to correct it. We will also conduct an inquiry into the incident,” a college official told PTI.

This is not the first time that a Sunny Leone has made the headlines for adademic excellence. The actor had ‘topped’ the draft list for junior engineer post in Bihar Public Health Engineering Department last year. Leone had ‘scored’ 98.5 percentile points in that exam. The actor had

This is not the first time that a Sunny Leone has made it to the top of a merit list. Last year, the actor had ‘topped’ the . The candidate claimed to have a diploma of engineering with a score of 98.5 points. Reacting to it, Sunny had tweeted, “HAHA, I’m so glad the OTHER me has scored so well !!!!! lol.”