With Facebook services, including WhatsApp and Instagram, down for over two hours, users of the social media platforms have been flooding to the alternate messaging platform Telegram Messenger.
WhatsApp is one of the most widely used apps for regular chats and conversation purposes. However, now with WhatsApp unavailable for hours, thousands are having to look at alternate messaging options to keep up their daily conversations without any disruptions.
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Several of such WhatsApp users have rushed to Telegram Messenger. But consequently, Telegram has said that it is facing now issues due to the onrush of new users on the app.
A Twitter user posted that Telegram wasn’t working, to which the company’s official handle replied, “With all the new folks signing up, things are a little slow – it’s nice to have them, but all at once is a little much. Sorry!”
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A lot of users tweeted about facing similar laggy experiences on the messaging app.
However, in a further tweet, the instant messaging platform clarified that only a “handful of users” were being affected, and termed it just as a slowdown.
“Spoke too soon – only a handful of users are affected, mostly just a slowdown. Telegram is running smoothly for the majority of users worldwide. Its distributed nature means that it can remain stable globally, even if there are issues in some regions,” Telegram Messenger’s official Twitter handle post.
Users all over the globe experienced outages as the applications stopped working on both the web and smartphones. This happened with Android, iOS and web platforms.
For Facebook users, they were redirected to an error page with a message reading on the screen, saying that their browser could be connected.
As per reports, DownDetector reported a quick spike in the number of cases of WhatsApp not working for users on October 4. The same issue was observed with Instagram, as well. The outage happened at roughly 9.15 pm IST.
Some speculate that the outages are connected, but none of the companies has confirmed.
At the time of writing this article, the servers continued to remain down.