European Union health agency on Wednesday said it has found no risk factors, including age, associated with AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine so far. The health regulator was conducting tests to probe claims of links between Oxford’s vaccine jab and blood clot instances. The agency said they are conducting further analysis on the drug.
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“The present review has not identified any specific risk factors like gender, age, or medical history of a patient associated with the clotting disorders,” the European Medicines Agency said in a statement.
The reviews come after several European countries suspended the use of the vaccine citing blood clot concerns in patients who received the jab.
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Various health regulatory agencies like WHO and EMA, however, have time and again rebutted the claims and declared that the jab is safe for use, the skepticism around the AstraZeneca drug caused Europe’s agency to undertake an official investigation in the matter.
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Some reports also suggested that the administration of vaccine to people of a certain age level results in blood clots as the rare instances were seen in patients below 50. Following the reports, countries like France and Germany declared AstraZeneca’s coronavirus vaccine for general use only for over-60-year-olds.
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However, recently a scientific committee advising the Canadian government on COVID-19 vaccines has recommended halting the use of the AstraZeneca vaccine for people under 55.