Actor Priyanka Chopra Jonas, Rajkumar Rao and Adarsh Gourav celebrated the nomination of their film ‘The White Tiger’ at the Oscars in the best adapted screenplay category. The movie, directed by Ramin Bahrani, is adapted from a book of the same name, which was written by Aravind Adiga and published in 2008. The movie is nominated in the category alongside movies like ‘Borat: Subsequent Moviefilm’, ‘The Father’, ‘Nomadland’, and ‘One Night in Miami’.
The 93rd Academy Awards nominations were announced by Priyanka and her husband, singer Nick Jonas on Monday.
“We just got nominated for an Oscar! Congratulations Ramin and team #TheWhiteTiger,” wrote Priyanka, who is also an executive producer of the movie, on Instagram.
Also Read | From book to film: 12-year journey of ‘The White Tiger’
The 38-year-old actor said announcing the nomination herself “made it so much more special” and she is “So so proud.”
The movie’s lead actor, Adarsh also took to Instagram sharing his happiness for the film’s nomination, and wrote: “Ramin Bahrani! You are a legend! So proud of the entire team!! Congratulations everyone.”
The 26-year-old actor shared a video of watching the nomination ceremony where he was seen cheering when ‘The White Tiger’ landed a spot in the top five of the category.
Rajkumar shared the nomination card on Instagram alongside some pictures from the film’s sets.
“We are nominated for the #OSCARS. Congratulations #RaminBahrani and team #TheWhiteTiger,” the 36-year-old actor wrote.
The Oscar nod for ‘The White Tiger’ comes five days after the team’s scored two BAFTA nominations.
While Bahrani received a BAFTA nod in the adapted screenplay category, Gourav landed the leading actor nomination for his performance.
Based on Aravind Adiga’s Booker Prize-winning novel of the same name, ‘The White Tiger’ follows Balram’s (Gourav) rise from a poor villager to a successful entrepreneur in India, showcasing how hunger and lack of opportunity can build and drive a human being’s animal instinct of survival.
The Oscars award ceremony will be held on April 25.