WhatsApp, most widely used messaging platform across the world, is gearing up to launch a new audio message feature for iOS and Android users. As per the reports from WhatsApp Beta Info, the app is currently testing two different playback speeds 1.5x and 2.0x, for audio messages on the platform.

As per the reports, the feature is available on WhatsApp version, the version is not up for use for the public yet. It is likely that the feature will roll out for both Android and iOS users. The WhatsApp Beta Info has also shared a screenshot of the new feature.

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The screenshots from the tweet suggest that the playback option will be displayed at the bottom of the person profile picture on the audio message. Users will be able to shift from the playback speeds by tapping on the speed label of the voice message. 

Reports on when will the feature get launched and in which update is yet to be confirmed. The rumoured feature is being introduced for users who don’t wish to waste time listening to long WhatsApp audio messages.

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So, if a friend of yours records audio messages on WhatsApp, who speaks slow usually, this feature can simply be very helpful for you. All you have to do is just click on the speed label and increase the speed to hear it quickly.