This is the flag of which country?
Answer: Lebanon
Lebanon’s national flag consists of two horizontal stripes in red, along with a white stripe in between that features a green cedar tree in the middle.
The tree is inspired by the country’s native cedar, known as Cedrus libani, which symbolizes the Maronite Christians. The cedar is mentioned extensively in biblical works, including the Bible. The holy book contains 77 references of the tree, especially in the passages of Psalm. Chapter 92, verse 13 states that “The righteous shall flourish like the palm tree, He shall grow like a cedar in Lebanon.”
On the other hand, chapter 104, verse 16 reads, “[t]he trees of the Lord are well watered, the cedars of Lebanon that he planted”.
French author and poet Alphonse de Lamartine also wrote about the cedar while describing his excursion to the Middle East with his daughter.
“[t]he cedars of Lebanon are the relics of centuries and nature, the most famous natural landmarks in the universe. They know the history of the earth, better than the story itself,” he wrote.
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