Amazon Quiz (September 6, 2021): What mythical creature is depicted on this cup of branded coffee?





Answer: Siren

According to Greek mythology, Sirens were half bird and half woman creatures who would use their enchanting music and singing voices to lure sailors to destruction. According to Homer, the author of the epic Greek poems Iliad and the Odyssey, there were two Sirens on an island in the western sea between Aeaea and the rocks of Scylla, with the Greek hero Odysseus, escaping the danger of their song by plugging the ears of his crew with wax. Homer’s Odyssey, Book XII, mentions that Odysseus himself wanted to hear the song of Sirens. Sirens would commit suicide if humans were able to resist their lure.

Later writers mention there names as Peisinoe, Aglaope and Thelxiepeia or Aglaonoe, Aglaopheme and Thelxiepeia. Ovid wrote in Metamorphoses, Book V, that the Sirens were human companions of Greek goddess Persephone. Sirens were granted their prayers for wings after Persephone was carried off by Hades, god of the underworld.

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