Amazon Riddle (21st August 2021): What month of the year has 28 days?
a) February
b) January
c) May
d) All of them
Answer: (d) All of them
Each month in the modern Gregorian calendar consists of at least 28 days. The Gregorian calendar’s oldest ancestor, the second king of Rome, Numa Pompilius, decided to make the calendar more accurate by syncing it up with the actual lunar year, which is about 354 days long. Numa tacked on two month, January and February, after December to account for the new days. The Romans believed even numbers to be unlucky, each month had an odd number of days, which alternated between 29 and 31. But, in order to reach 255 days, one month had to be an even number. February was chosen as the unlucky month with 28 days.
Julius Caesar reformed the calendar again in 45 BC, abandoning the lunar model and following the solar year of 365 days. Extra days were added to January, August, December, April, June, September, and November, but February stayed at 28. Every four years (including in 2012) an extra day is added to February to keep the year in sync with the sun. A year in which February has 29 days is called a “leap year.”
Having only 28 days in common, February is the only month of the year that can pass without a single full moon.
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