Netflix is all set to release its intriguing docuseries titled “How to Become a Cult Leader,” delving deep into the enigmatic minds of those who have captivated the fascination of numerous individuals. This out-of-the-box series seeks to explore the compelling question: What motivates individuals to become cult leaders?

Release date:

With narration by the esteemed actor Peter Dinklage, the six-part series is scheduled to premiere on Netflix on July 28, 2023.

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“Narrated by Peter Dinklage, this six-part series follows the ascent of six cult leaders as they acquire unwavering love, unending loyalty, and the ability to command people’s minds, bodies, and souls,” reads the official synopsis of the show.

The docuseries “How to Become a Cult Leader” has a compelling mission to uncover the elusive playbook utilized by these leaders to secure absolute loyalty and obedience from their followers. Through in-depth exploration, the series delves into the psychological mechanisms underlying the extraordinary love and unwavering devotion that, as hinted in the trailer, these leaders adeptly manipulate to gain control over people’s minds, bodies, and souls.


On July 12, 2023, the highly anticipated docuseries unveiled its captivating trailer, providing viewers with a tantalizing glimpse into the upcoming show. Set to offer in-depth coverage, the series will delve into notorious cults such as Heaven’s Gate, Jonestown, and the Manson Family, promising an immersive exploration of their intriguing stories.

The trailer sets the tone with ominous music, and quick flashes of various cult leaders, offering a tantalizing taste of the psychological roller-coaster that lies ahead for the audience.

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“Unconditional love, endless devotion… by offering the right package, you can control people’s minds, and close them off to everything else. To lead a spiritual movement, you have to show perfection in action,” Dinklage is heard saying in the background.