Bollywood actor Hrithik Roshan comes out in support of Shah Rukh Khan‘s son Aryan Khan, who was sent in judicial custody for investigation in an alleged drug case. In an Instagram message for Aryan, Hrithik said that life is a strange ride and said that God throws difficulty at those who have the strength to combat them.
Also Read: Aryan Khan’s arrest in drug case: What the law says
The post shared by Hrithik carries an image of Aryan Khan alongside a long, heartfelt note he wrote to support Khan.
“My dear Aryan. Life is a strange ride. It’s great because it’s uncertain. It’s great cause it throws you curveballs, but God is kind. He gives only the toughest ones the toughest balls to play. You know you are chosen when amidst the chaos you can feel the pressure to hold your own. And I know you must feel it now. The anger, the confusion, the helplessness. Aaah , the very ingredients that are needed to burn the hero out from inside you,” wrote Hritik on Instagram.
The ‘War’ actor further suggested to Aryan that such tough moments sometimes takes away the good in a person and thus, he should just learn to give away his mistakes and failing and not the kindness and compassion inside of him.
“Be wary, those same ingredients could burn away the good stuff… the kindness, the compassion, the love. Allow yourself to burn, but just enough.. Mistakes , failings , victories , success… they’r all the same if you know which parts to keep with you and which parts to throw away from the experience. But know that you can grow better with them all,” he added.
“I’ve known you as a kid and I’ve known you as a man. Own it. Own everything you experience. They’re your gifts. Trust me. In a time when you connect the dots… I promise you, It’s gonna make sense. Only if you have stared the devil in his eyes and kept your calm. Keep calm . Observe. These moments are the makers of your Tom. And Tom is going to have a brilliant sun shining. But for it , you must go thru the dark. Calm , still , owning your own. And trusting the light. Within. It’s always there,” Hrithik added.
Apart from Hrithik, several others from the industry including Hritik’s ex-wife Sussane Khan stood in solidarity with Shah Rukh Khan and his family amid the case.
Aryan Khan, son of veteran Bollywood actor Shah Rukh Khan, was detained by NCB on Saturday after the agency busted a drugs party on board a cruise ship of the Cordelia Cruises company.
A team of NCB sleuths led by zonal director Sameer Wankhede had raided the ship based on a tip-off that a party was scheduled on board. 13 gm of cocaine, 5 gm of MD, 21 gm of charas and 22 pills of ecstasy and Rs 1.33 lakh were seized on board, an official earlier said.