If the latest whisper in Bollywood and Tellywood is anything to go by, actor Ankita Lokhande and Vicky Jain have finally sealed on the decision to tie the nuptial knot. Their marriage will be a three-day affair starting from December 12.
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According to ETimes, the close friends and relatives have been informed and official invitations are being processed and will soon be dispatched.
The couple are in a relationship for three years now and Ankita and Vicky shared a big kiss in a recent Diwali party.
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Ankita also shared an appreciation post for Vicky, a day after her ex-boyfriend Sushant Singh Rajput’s first death anniversary. Taking to Instagram, Ankita dropped a picture of the couple and wrote: “Dear vikki, You were there for me when times were tough. You were always the first person to ask me how I was doing, if I needed help in anything, or if I wanted to get away so that I could clear my head .you were always so worried about me, and I always told you that I was fine because I was knowing that I had you with me.
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“I want to thank you for being the best boyfriend in the world. I don’t need to tell you what I need, but you always know what it is somehow.”
She further added, “Thank you for always treating me like a princess, for making time for me no matter how busy you get, for making the effort to bond with my family, and for hanging out with me and my friends. These little things mean a lot. These are what endear you to me. We have been through so much together. I cannot believe it sometimes. I love you because you stayed by my side, and you promised that everything will be okay. You kept your promise, and you always came through for me. For that, I will always be grateful to you. It’s been a very challenging year, and knowing that I have you by my side made all the difference. I don’t know where I’d be without you. I love you more now because of this.”