Amazon Quiz: The World Health Organization recently said that it will shift to a one dose strategy for which of these diseases, amid vaccine shortage?
Human papillomavirus
Answer- Cholera
A rise in worldwide cases of cholera has led to WHO switching from a two-dose policy to a one-dose policy of the disease’s vaccine. According to the WHO, this will allow vaccines to be evenly distributed across the world.
In a press release, WHO has said, “Since January this year, 29 countries have reported cholera cases, including Haiti, Malawi and Syria which are facing large outbreaks. In comparison, in the previous 5 years, fewer than 20 countries on average reported outbreaks. The global trend is moving towards more numerous, more widespread and more severe outbreaks, due to floods, droughts, conflict, population movements and other factors that limit access to clean water and raise the risk of cholera outbreaks.”
Cholera occurs from the bacterium Vibrio cholerae, and affects the small intestine. The disease most likely originated in the Indian subcontinent. Its mention can be found in European texts dating back to the 17th century.
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