‘Sunday Ka Vaar’ episode of Bigg Boss OTT witnessed host Karan Johar grilling the contestants about their behaviour during the show’s first week. The ‘Boss Jodi’ Sidharth Shukla and Shehnaaz Gill visited the Bigg Boss OTT house and the nominated contestant Urfi Javed was eliminated.

Karan Johar started the episode by interrogating Divya Agarwal for her comment that she doesn’t need the show. He also taunted her that Bigg Boss OTT isn’t similar to the scripted shows that she participated in. 

Also read| Bigg Boss OTT: Urfi Javed becomes the first contestant to be evicted

Host Karan then moves on to Pratik Sehajpal who had shown two contrasting personalities in the first week of the show. Karan asks the housemates’ opinions about Pratik’s conflicting behaviour. Most of the housemates confirm that Pratik is an understanding person and not aggressive.

The next person who was called out by host Karan was Raqesh Bapat for his diplomatic approach. Singer Neha Bhasin even labelled Raqesh as ‘spineless’. The housemates asked Raqesh to be more assertive. 

Raqesh also gets in trouble with Shamita Shetty for ‘bitching’ about her to Divya resulting in a fallout between her and Shamita.

Also read| Bigg Boss OTT: Shamita Shetty gets into a fight with Divya Agarwal

The most loved ‘Boss Jodi’ Sidharth Shukla and Shehnaaz Gill made an entry to the Bigg Boss OTT house. The duo first spoke to host Karan on the stage before entering the house.

While on the stage, Shehnaaz danced to the iconic song ‘Twadda Kutta Tommy’ produced by Yashraj Mukhate. On asking about their relationship ‘SidNaaz’ revealed that they are nothing but very close friends.

Also read| Shehnaaz Gill excited to enter Bigg Boss OTT

The ‘Boss Jodi’ then entered the Bigg Boss OTT house to interact with the contestants. The housemates were asked to perform a task by ‘SidNaaz’ where they had to choose two housemates, one who deserves a boost in ratings and one who doesn’t deserve ratings.

This task proved to be an eye-opener for some contestants, and for others, it helped in bonding with the co-contestants.

Eliminated contestant Urfi Javed blamed Zeeshan Khan, her former connection whose lack of support was the reason for her eviction.