Bollywood star Saif Ali Khan turned 52 on Tuesday. He received a tonne of birthday wishes on social media. Sara Ali Khan, an actress and the daughter of Saif and Amrita Singh, posted a few throwback photos from her younger years on Instagram with the caption: “Happiest Birthday Abba Jaan. I’ll always be your first chape.”
Saif’s thanks were posted on social media by Kareena Kapoor Khan, who was the first to wish her husband a happy birthday.
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Saif’s sister-in-law Karisma Kapoor also wished the Tashan star with a throwback photo. “Happy birthday, Saifu,” she wrote.
Saba Ali Khan, Saif Ali Khan’s sister, also posted a few happy pictures with the actor on her Instagram account, writing in the caption: “To the Madness…And the moments, may you have a wonderful day and fantastic year. Happy Birthday Bhai. Lots of love. Today and forever.”
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Saif’s brother in law and Goa Goa Gone co-star Kunal Kemmu took to Instagram and shared a collage-
In a note to husband Saif Ali Khan, Kareena Kapoor Khan wrote: “Happy Birthday to the best man in the world. You make this crazy ride crazier and God I wouldn’t want it any other way… These pictures are proof. I love you my Jaan and I have to say your pout is way better than mine… What say guys? #BirthdayBoy #MySaifu.”
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Saif Ali Khan was most recently seen in Bunty Aur Babli 2.
Adipurush, starring Prabhas and Kriti Sanon, is among Saif’s upcoming films. He will also appear in Vikram Vedha, a Hindi remake of the 2017 Tamil neo-noir action thriller of the same name, co-written and directed by Pushkar-Gayathri. The film, which was a box office success and received positive reviews from critics, starred R Madhavan and Vijay Setupathi in the lead roles.