Himani Bundela became the first winner of Rs. 1 Crore on ‘Kaun Banega Crorepati’ season 13. A teacher by profession, she said that she’s been a fan of the show since the age of five and used to play the KBC-themed quiz show with her friends when she was a child.
Also Read: Was depressed: KBC 13’s first crorepati Himani Bundela on losing her eyesight
“I used to play KBC with my friends when I was 5 years old. I used to copy Amitabh Bachchan sir and trouble my friends by asking general knowledge questions to them.
“That interest didn’t die there. Last year, when we started online classes due to the pandemic I started an initiative called ‘Kaun Banega Kendriya Vidyalaya champion’ for my students,” she told News18.
Himani, who lost her eyesight when she was a child, teaches at Kendriya Vidyalaya in Agra and is passionate about Mental Maths and makes it a special learning experience for her students by calling it ‘Maths Magic’.
She will also perform some Mental Maths tricks in front of KBC host Amitabh Bachchan.
She said that when she finally reached the sets of KBC, she couldn’t believe her luck.
Also Read: KBC 13 contestant faces legal charges for participating in the show
“I thought it was a dream. Being with Bachchan sir on the set was a dream come true. Moreover, I was really nervous because I knew that I was competing with people who had better learning resources than me and had the advantage of quickly answering the question by seeing it on screen. But then I suddenly realised that I had nothing to lose and I’d only learn something new from this experience,” said Himani.
In the year 2011, Himani met with an unfortunate accident due to which her vision was blurred. Even after multiple operations, the doctors couldn’t save her vision.
“My life after the accident hasn’t been easy. A lot of us had to put in an immense amount of work to get back to our daily livelihood, especially my parents and my brothers and sisters. Being a woman who’s visually impaired, I hope my stint on KBC brings a lot of hope to people who are just like me.
“A lot of students with special abilities do get admissions in schools and colleges but there are no coaching academies for government competitive exams that admit students with any sort of disabilities. With the money I won, I would want to open an inclusive coaching academy that trains the ‘divyang’ kids for government competitive exams,” she said.
“I’d also like to help set up a small business of my father because my father lost his job due to the Covid pandemic. So I want to do it for my father and mother’s future security,” she added.