Netflix on Tuesday released ‘The Crown’ Season 4 trailer. In the newly released sneak peek of the new season of Netflix’s drama, romance between Prince Charles, played by actor Josh O’Connor and Lady Diana Spencer, played by Emma Corrin, including their opulent wedding day, can be seen. The new season of the show will be released on the OTT platform on November 15.
Costume designer Amy Roberts modeled Diana’s wedding dress after the original but “wanted to create something that wasn’t an exact replica”, said Netflix. The wedding is just a small part of the action this season.
In the trailer, Queen Elizabeth (Olivia Colman) can be seen experiencing tensions with Britain’s first female Prime Minister, Margaret Thatcher (Gillian Anderson), and the royal family grapples with increasing division.
‘The Crown’ is a historical drama web series based on the life of reign of Queen Elizabeth II. Created and written by Peter Morgan, the series has been produced by Left Bank Pictures and Sony Pictures Television for Netflix.
The series has a user rating of 8.7 on IMDB. Its first episode premiered on Netflix on November 4, 2016. ‘The Crown’ received 21 major nominations in 2018, winning 7 awards. Claire Foy, who played the role of the Queen in first two seasons, had won the Golden Globe Award for Best Actress – Television Series Drama, two Screen Actors Guild Awards. Olivia Colman won the Golden Globe for best actress in a drama series for her lead role as Queen Elizabeth II in ‘The Crown’ in 2020.