Netflix on Monday released the trailer of its new show ‘Bad Boy Billionaire’. The documentary will throw some light on the lives of India’s most ‘infamous’ billionaires, including Vijay Mallya, Nirav Modi, Subrata Roy, and Byrraju Ramalinga Raju. According to Netflix, the documentary will dive into the stories of these most famous billionaires of India and simultaneously narrate their rise and fall.
The trailer shows glimpses from the lives of the business tycoons. It is interjected with quotes and commentary from people who know these businessmen and also comes with expert commentary. Comments from financial experts in the show provide a detailed view of the nature of the unstable operations undertaken by each of these businessmen.
The description of the trailer on YouTube states “ What would you do to make it to the top? To build an empire? To maintain an image? Bad Boy Billionaires answers just that. Dive into the stories of India’s most infamous billionaires- Vijay Mallya, Nirav Modi, Subrata Roy, and Byrraju Ramalinga Raju as they plan, plot and maneuver through their rises and falls. Watch as insiders and experts discuss what made these men genius and, in some cases, the greatest conmen.”
The documentary ‘Bad Boy Billionaires’ will start streaming on Netflix from September 2.