With gyms closed and another lockdown in sight, Bollywood actor Malaika Arora took to social media to post three yoga poses to strengthen core muscles, thereby encouraging fans to take up home workouts.
She shared a video on her social media handle straight from her yoga studio that gave fans a glimpse of her exercise. “Namaste Everyone This #MalaikasMoveOfTheWeek let’s focus on our core muscles-a part of the body that balances everything else, be it inversions, lifting weights, or keeping your back straight. Strengthen your core muscles with these 3 asanas (sic).”
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These are the exercises Malaika was captured doing.
1. Vasisthasana (Side Plank Pose)
While demonstrating this asana in the video, Malaika wrote: “Strengthening the core requires focusing on all sides of the core muscles (front, back and sides). Side planks are amazing in engaging your core from all the sides thereby helping you create full-body strength and stability (sic).”
2. Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose)
For this asana, she said, “This is a beginner level pose that targets the core muscles of the upper body, abdomen and the lower back (sic).”
3. Naukasana (Boat Pose)
Lastly, she concluded by saying, “This is hands down a wonder pose to get rid of the unwanted belly fat and strengthen the core muscles (sic),” while demonstrating the last asana.
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Strengthening the core helps not only in performing everyday activities but also helps in improving balance and ensuring a good posture. It is said that the core protects us from injuries and plays a vital role in stabilising the spine and pelvis. It also strengthens the diaphragm and reduces the risk of back pain.
Malaika Arora is an Indian actress, dancer, model and television personality. She made her debut as a film producer in 2008.