Experts suggest that mobile devices and gadgets be locked up or kept away from toddlers to avoid such incidents. Ayaansh Kumar, 22 months old, still in his diapers, managed to order furniture worth Rs 1.4 lakh ($2,000) from his mother’s mobile phone. Ayaansh was not assigned the task by his parents but the accidental purchase happened when his mother, Madhu, had kept a whole lot of stuff in her shopping cart after browsing Walmart’s website on her phone.
According to reports, Madhu intended to buy only a few things but the toddler successfully checked everything out in one massive online purchase.
“It is really hard to believe that he has done this, but that’s what happened,” said Ayaansh’s father Pramod Kumar.
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The parents were surprised when box after box of new furniture was delivered to their address and some of the packages did not fit their door. Later, when Madhu checked her Walmart account, she found out her son had ordered chairs, flower stands and other things which they didn’t need.
“He’s so little, he’s so cute, we were laughing that he ordered all this stuff,” said Madhu.
According to an NBS report, the child had been paying close attention to his parents and older siblings, who all use phones to browse things online.
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After this incident, the toddler’s father said that he will be more careful and will start using passcodes and facial recognition on handheld devices.