In the upcoming three-part documentary series titled “Depp v. Heard,” audiences are offered a unique opportunity to delve into the widely discussed defamation case that held global attention as the inaugural Trial by TikTok. The documentary aims to provide a comprehensive view by juxtaposing the testimonies of Johnny Depp and Amber Heard. This presentation is based on a wealth of material, comprising 200 hours of trial coverage streamed live by major news outlets. Additionally, the documentary incorporates the perspectives of ordinary citizens who shared their viewpoints on TikTok and Twitter as commentators.

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Who is David Killackey?

During the tumultuous divorce proceedings of Amber Heard and Johnny Depp, a witness has come forward alleging that Amber Heard’s father, David Heard, made a threat to shoot Johnny Depp, who was 56 at the time.

The witness, David Killackey, was involved in servicing both Heard and Depp’s classic cars at his California repair shop amid their split in 2016. Killackey asserted that during a phone call, David Heard directed ‘death threats’ towards Depp. According to legal documents obtained by The Blast, Killackey recalled that David Heard had developed a strong animosity towards Mr. Depp following his daughter’s separation from the “Pirates of the Caribbean” star.

Killackey further disclosed that Amber Heard, aged 33 at the time, exhibited a difficult and unpleasant demeanor. He noted that the mistreatment began after he informed Amber that the car work needed to be coordinated directly with her rather than through Depp’s team. According to court documents, Killackey stated, “The response I received could only be described as an extremely hostile reaction from Amber.”

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He remembered attempting earnestly to communicate his desire to avoid being entangled in the conflict between her and Depp, but she didn’t react positively.