Actor Kangana Ranaut on Tuesday lashed out at Twitter soon after the social media platform permanently suspended her account for violating their ‘hateful conduct policy’. The 34-year-old actor said the ban was the result of alleged enslavement mentality.

(Also Read: Kangana Ranaut’s new message to all those who ‘cry about India’)

“Twitter has only proved my point they’re Americans and by birth, a white person feels entitled to enslave a brown person, they want to tell you what to think, speak or do. I have many platforms I can use to raise my voice, including my own art in the form of cinema,” the actor said soon after Twitter announced the ban, reports ANI.

The actor added, ” But my heart goes out to the people of this nation who have been tortured, enslaved, and censored for thousands of years, and still, there is no end to the suffering.”

(Also read: For them beauty was about being fair, says Kangana Ranaut) 

In its statement after the ban on the actor, a Twitter spokesperson said, “We’ve been clear that we’ll take strong enforcement action on behavior that has the potential to lead to offline harm. The account has been permanently suspended for repeated violations of Twitter Rules specifically our Hateful Conduct policy and Abusive Behaviour policy.”

The Twitter action followed the actor’s tweet saying, “This is horrible… we need super gundai to kill gundai… she is like an unleashed monster, to tame her Modi ji please show your Virat roop from early 2000’s… #PresidentRuleInBengal.”

She was reacting to reports of alleged violence in west Bengal soon after assembly election results showed a landslide win for Mamata Banerjee’s Trinamool Congress.

Several Twitter users called out this tweet for inciting violence and sought action from the social media platform.