Alleging that Bharat Biotech has refused to supply doses to Delhi, Deputy Chief Minister Manish Sisodia said, those manufacturing Covaxin have told us clearly they cannot give us more doses of COVID-19 vaccine, reports PTI.
Manish Sisodia added that Covaxin manufacturers, in a letter, said the Centre will decide which state will get how many shots of the vaccine.
“We have closed around 100 centres in 17 schools where Covaxin was being administered,” the Delhi deputy CM said.
Also Read | Kejriwal asks Centre to share vaccine formula with other companies to scale up production
Manish Sisodia’s statement comes a day after Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal said that the national capital is facing a shortage of vaccine and the available stock will only last a few days.
“Right now, we’re administering 1.25 lakh doses every day. We’ll soon begin vaccinating over 3 lakh people every day. We aim to vaccinate all residents of Delhi within the next 3 months,” Kejriwal said on Tuesday.